Infertility Treatment

Infertility Treatment

In men, it is caused by factors such as problems in sperm production. Couples encountering infertility problems, infertility treatment can be solved with technologies. It is observed that there is an increase due to situations such as living conditions, eating habits, smoking and alcohol consumption. It may occur as a result of reproductive functions not working properly. Treatment is created following the examination process carried out by experienced physicians.

In what cases is infertility treatment performed?

Infertility Treatment

Infertility treatment, It is a technique developed for situations where couples cannot have children. Infertility is diagnosed if one cannot achieve pregnancy despite having regular and unprotected sexual intercourse. Treatment can target both men and women, depending on the underlying causes.

  • One of the most common causes of infertility in women is ovulation problems. Irregular or absent ovulation significantly reduces the chances of becoming pregnant. Treatments may include medications that stimulate ovulation.
  • Damage to the fallopian tubes prevents the egg from meeting the sperm or the fertilized egg from reaching the uterus. These conditions can be treated with surgery or in vitro fertilization technologies are recommended to couples.
  • Endometriosis is characterized by the growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterus and the pain and infertility it causes. Treatment for endometriosis may include surgery, hormone treatments, or assisted reproductive techniques.
  • Problems in sperm production, function or transportation cause inability to become pregnant. Treatment includes a variety of techniques, such as lifestyle changes, medications, or sperm retrieval methods.
  • Problems such as abnormal shapes of the uterus or cervix and fibroids may prevent the continuation of the pregnancy. Surgical procedures can be used to solve these problems.
  • In some couples, no obvious problem causing infertility can be found. In these cases, doctors often recommend assisted reproductive techniques. These techniques include intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Infertility treatment The important thing is for them to determine the most appropriate treatment method and apply. Treatment options may vary depending on underlying causes, the couple's age, and other health conditions. The treatment process can often be time-consuming and emotionally challenging. However, it achieves successful results for many couples.

How is Infertility Treated?

Medicines can stimulate women's ovulation or increase sperm production. Hormone replacement therapy can also be used in this treatment method. Surgery is used for problems such as blocked tubes, fibroids or endometriosis.

Infertility Treatment

Methods such as intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF) may be used. Positive results are obtained with the method called Micro TESE application. Sperm is produced using tissue from the testicles through microscopic surgery. Following the procedures, the patient is expected to be discharged on the same day.

Infertility can also affect the emotional and mental health of couples. Psychological support can help couples through this treatment process by reducing stress. Male infertility treatmentvaries depending on triggering factors and the couple's medical history. Treatment options should be determined by a qualified healthcare professional.

What Should Be Considered After Infertility Treatment?

Some side effects may occur due to hormonal changes or medications used in treatment. These side effects may include abdominal pain, nausea, headache, mild fever, vaginal bleeding, and bloating.

After treatment, these symptoms usually go away on their own. It is important to follow the medications and methods recommended by your specialist doctor. After pregnancy, expectant mothers should go for regular doctor check-ups. They should take the necessary precautions for a healthy pregnancy.

Regular ultrasounds and blood tests may be done to monitor the pregnancy. As a result, many couples can successfully conceive after the operation. Some side effects may occur after application. For a healthy pregnancy, it is important to have regular doctor checks and pay attention to healthy lifestyle factors. Infertility treatment You can contact us for detailed information about.