in medical language infertility olarak tanımlanan kısırlık, çiftin istemesine rağmen doğal yollardan çocuk sahibi olamaması durumudur. Sağlıklı çiftlerde düzenli ve korunmasız cinsel ilişkiye girilmesi halinde hamile kalma oranı %25’tir. 1 yılın sonunda bu oran %85, ikinci yılın sonunda da %90 artış gösterir. 1 yıl süre zarfında düzenli ve korunmasız olarak cinsel ilişkiye girmesi ve gebelik sağlayamaması durumunda çiftlerin hekim desteği alması gerekir.
Today, the number of infertile couples has increased due to reasons such as stressful living conditions, unnatural nutrition and smoking habits. Not only in Turkey but in many parts of the world infertility The problem is a common situation. Infertility that occurs when reproductive functions fail can be treated.
What are the symptoms of infertility?
There are many symptoms of infertility. The most common symptoms can be listed as follows;
- Irregular period,
- Never having a period
- Severe pain and discomfort during menstrual periods,
- Severe bleeding during menstrual period,
- Milk coming from the breasts when there is no pregnancy,
- Excessive hair growth and acne problems related to excessive weight gain and hormonal disorders
- Pain, swelling and swelling in the testicles,
- Conditions such as low semen in men are among the symptoms of infertility.
What are the factors affecting infertility?
Many health problems in men or women infertility may cause disease. There are many factors that can cause infertility. Factors that trigger infertility are:
- Obesity
- Vagismus
- cervix is closed
- drug use
- receiving chemotherapy
What are the Causes of Female Infertility?
Günümüzde değişen yaşam koşullarına bağlı olarak evlilik yaşı her geçen gün ilerlemektedir. Erken yaşta evlenen çiftler bile belli bir hayat standardını yakalamadan çocuk sahibi olmaktan kaçınmaktadır. 30 – 40 yaş arası hatta 40 yaş sonrası çocuk sahibi olmaya karar veren çiftlerin sayısı da artış göstermektedir. Yapılan araştırmalara bağlı olarak 35 yaş üstü kadınların %30’unda infertility problem is encountered. The problem of infertility is encountered at younger ages. Apart from age, the causes of infertility in women can be listed as follows;
- Ovaries are not healthy,
- Weakness of the ovaries in terms of ovarian sales,
- excessive weight gain,
- excessive weight loss,
- Smoking and alcohol use,
- Multiple miscarriages,
- Tubes are blocked,
- Factors such as intense stress are among the causes of infertility in women.
What are the Causes of Male Infertility?
The inability to have children is caused by men as well as women. The causes of infertility in men can be listed as follows;
- Decreased sperm quality in the testicles,
- Alcohol and cigarette use,
- Low sperm count,
- diabetes disease,
- Enlargement of testicular veins (varicocele),
- Factors such as inflammatory disorders in the sexual organs are among the causes of infertility in men.
How to Diagnose Infertility?
Systemic examination is required to diagnose infertility. During this process, the physician questions and examines the patient in detail. For infertility treatment, couples should consult a doctor together. Infertility Different tests are performed for men and women to make the diagnosis. In men, the penis and testicles are primarily examined through a physical examination. The presence of varicocele is investigated. After the examination, the patient is asked to abstain for 3 to 5 days. After this period, a sperm test is performed. Thus, the reproductive abilities of the sperm cells in the semen are examined. According to the analysis results, the patient is tested for infertility.
For women, first a gynecological examination is performed and the menstrual cycle is questioned. The patient's ovaries and uterus are examined with ultrasonography. Additionally, laboratory and radiological imaging examinations are performed. A problem with the female reproductive system is detected and a diagnosis of infertility is made.
What are the Infertility Treatment Methods?
The diagnosis of infertility disease is made by physicians. For infertility treatment, men and women need to be examined. It is wrong for only one party to seek treatment for infertility. Couples need to start the treatment process together and determine who is causing the infertility. After determining the cause of infertility, a road map should be drawn by the physician. Once the focus causing infertility is identified, the appropriate treatment option is decided. infertility The treatment methods frequently used in its treatment are as follows:
- In vitro fertilization treatment,
- egg rejuvenation,
- Vaccination,
- microinjection,
- egg freezing,
In Vitro Fertilization Treatment
In the treatment of infertility, the majority of patients have children thanks to in vitro fertilization treatment. This treatment method can be used in cases where both tubes are blocked, men have low sperm count or azopospermia, and ovulation treatments fail to yield results.
How is Micro TESE Surgery Performed?
It is the method of obtaining sperm from the tissue taken from the testicles of patients who have no sperm cells in their semen through microscopic surgery. infertility The micro TESE procedure performed under general anesthesia takes approximately 1 hour. In micro TESE surgery, sperm ducts are examined one by one. A microscope is used during surgery. After the testicle is opened, the sperm ducts are enlarged 10 to 15 times and visualized. Thus, sperm channels are displayed more clearly and vividly. Since the sperm channels are visualized more clearly, the surgical procedure is performed without disrupting the blood supply of the testicle. A sample is taken from the testicle for pathological examination. The patient is discharged on the same day.
Micro TESE Surgery Success Rates
Ameliyatı gerçekleştirecek hekim tecrübesine uygulamanın yapıldığı ameliyathane koşullarına ve azospermi hastalarının sperm kalitesine göre başarı oranı değişiklik göstermektedir. Sperm kalite ve yapımına bağlı olarak kötü kaliteli spermle yapılan uygulamalarda başarı oranı azalmaktadır. Ortalama tüm azospermi hasta grubunda microTese ile sperm bulunma oranı literatürde yaklaşık %30-50 oranında verilmektedir.
Frequently Asked Questions
There are no specific symptoms of infertility. Inability to conceive a child within 6 months despite having regular and unprotected sexual intercourse is considered infertility.
There may be many reasons why infertility occurs. Varicocele, hormonal disorders, genetic and familial factors are effective.
Our treatments
- Prostate cancer
- Bladder Cancer
- Kidney Cancer
- Kidney stone
- Robotic Surgery
- ThuLEP
- Prostate Biopsy
- hydrocele
- Varioxel
- Testicular Cancer
- Urinary tract infection
- Urinary Incontinence in Women
- Urodynamics
- Vesicovaginal Fistula
- Laparoscopy Surgery
- Sacral Neuromodulation
- Laser Prostate Surgery
- Penile Prosthesis Implantation
- Prostate Hot Water Steam Treatment
- Penile Shock Wave Therapy – ESWT
- Male Infertility
- Drug Treatment for Sexual Dysfunction (Erectile Dysfunction)