Prostate Hot Water Steam Treatment
Shrinkage of the prostate by injecting hot water vapor into the prostate prostate hot water steam therapy It is called. Prostate enlargement; It causes complaints such as frequent urination, burning sensation while urinating, interrupted urination, inability to fully void urine, and occasional urinary incontinence.
These complaints, which negatively affect the patient's quality of life, also cause difficulties in social life. Today, it is a non-surgical method for benign prostate enlargement. hot water steam therapy is implemented. With this treatment, the prostate tissue shrinks and shrinks, thus removing the obstacle to the urinary tract.
Who is Prostate Hot Water Steam Treatment Suitable for?
Prostate hot water steam treatment can be applied to patients who have benign prostatic hyperplasia but do not benefit from drug treatment. In addition, prostate hot water steam treatment can be applied to people who cannot receive general anesthesia or spinal anesthesia due to comorbidities and to people who do not want to constantly use prostate medication. makes. Prostate hot water vapor Patients for whom treatment can be applied can be listed as follows;
- Prostate weight more than 30 grams
- Have benign prostate tissue,
- Having difficulty urinating,
- Those who do not benefit from drug treatment for their complaints or do not want to use drug treatment,
- Carrying a heart and brain pacemaker,
- Many patients, especially those who do not want their sexual life to be negatively affected by surgical procedures, can benefit from prostate hot water steam treatment.
Prostate Hot Water Steam Treatment Application How To?
Performed endoscopically prostate hot water vapor The treatment can also be performed under local anesthesia for patients who cannot receive general anesthesia. The urinary tract is entered from the tip of the penis with a thin, specially developed camera system. In this way, the enlarged prostate tissue is examined, measurements and planning are made. In addition, water vapor is created with the energy transferred from the radiofrequency energy source and transferred into the prostate tissue with a needle. The surgeon advances the needle into the prostate tissue at the points he determines. During each 9-second procedure, a sterile water spring is sent onto the planned prostate tissue. When the steam turns back into water, all the stored energy is released, causing the cells to die.
How Does Prostate Hot Water Steam Treatment Work?
With the Prostate Hot Water Steam system, the heat effect in the form of water vapor is given into the growing prostate tissue. Thanks to the condensing water vapor, the heat effect breaks down the membranes of the benign proliferating prostate gland cells within the tissue. In this way, in addition to cell death, the vessels are blocked and nerve cells stop working. Cells that lose their vitality are completely eliminated by the body's natural systems over time. The therapeutic process that occurs with the application of prostate hot water steam therapy becomes more evident, the obstruction at the bladder outlet is eliminated, and urine flow becomes easier.
Prostate Hot Water Steam Treatment Application How much will it take?
The duration of the prostate hot water steam procedure, which is based on the system of shrinking the prostate by injecting hot water steam into the prostate, lasts about 8 - 10 minutes. After the prostate hot water steam treatment procedure, a catheter is usually inserted and the physician decides how many days the catheter will remain depending on the size of the prostate. Patients can be discharged on the same day after prostate hot water steam treatment application.
What are the Benefits of Prostate Hot Water Steam?
A fast and effective operation prostate hot water steam therapyIt provides many advantages to patients. The benefits of prostate hot water steam therapy can be listed as follows;
- Protects ejaculation functions,
- Protects erection and urinary functions,
- Provides fast and effective operation,
- Treatment can also be performed using local anesthesia.
- The patient can be discharged on the same day,
- The patient returns to normal life within a few days,
- After the treatment, the patient can stop taking benign prostate medications.
- Side effects of Prostate Hot Water Steam treatment are very few.
Is Prostate Hot Water Steam Treatment Safe?
Prostate hot water steam treatment, which has been implemented in developed countries of the world since 2017, has been safely performed on more than 35,000 patients worldwide and the patients have been treated successfully.
Frequently Asked Questions
Applying hot water may be beneficial for patients with benign prostate enlargement. A hot bath, sitting under the belly button or on a hot water bottle may be beneficial.
The latest technological breakthrough in urology is the resum operation. In benign prostate enlargement, radiofrequency energy is given to patients and the aim is to destroy the prostate tissue with the application of hot water.
Reduction of the prostate by injecting hot water vapor into the prostate is defined as resum.
Our treatments
- Prostate cancer
- Bladder Cancer
- Kidney Cancer
- Kidney stone
- Robotic Surgery
- ThuLEP
- Prostate Biopsy
- hydrocele
- Varioxel
- Testicular Cancer
- Urinary tract infection
- Urinary Incontinence in Women
- Urodynamics
- Vesicovaginal Fistula
- Laparoscopy Surgery
- Sacral Neuromodulation
- Laser Prostate Surgery
- Penile Prosthesis Implantation
- Prostate Hot Water Steam Treatment
- Penile Shock Wave Therapy – ESWT
- Male Infertility
- Drug Treatment for Sexual Dysfunction (Erectile Dysfunction)