Bladder Cancer Symptoms
One of the most common types of cancer today is bladder cancer. It is usually seen in older age and male individuals. bladder cancer symptoms It manifests itself with painless bleeding in the urine. In some cases, bleeding may be invisible to the naked eye. Other symptoms of the disease include light red or brown blood in the urine (hematuria) and sudden urge to urinate. If the patient notices these symptoms, he should consult a specialist urologist without delay.
What are the symptoms of bladder cancer?
Blood in the urine is the most common symptom of bladder cancer. Other symptoms of the disease are seen due to diseases such as infection and bladder stones. Bladder cancer symptoms can be listed as follows;
- Burning, pain during urination
- Decrease in the amount of urine,
- frequent urination,
- Slow, weak and intermittent difficulty urinating,
- Weight loss and weakness,
- Loss of bladder or bowel control,
- Pain and stiffness in the back, ribs, and upper thighs in advanced stages of cancer bladder cancer symptoms It is located between.
What are the Risk Factors for Bladder Cancer?
Bladder cancer is more common in male patients aged 50 and over. Smoking increases the risk of cancer. Organic chemicals and dyes used or exposed to in occupational groups cause bladder cancer. The risk of developing the disease is higher in people who have long-term and recurrent bladder inflammation and have to wear a urinary catheter. In addition, the use of some chemotherapy drugs is among the risk factors affecting the occurrence of bladder cancer.
What are the Bladder Cancer Treatment Methods?
Depending on the results of diagnostic tests, the degree and stage of the disease are determined. Bladder cancer treatment is decided depending on the degree and stage of the disease.
Bladder Cancer Surgery: With the surgical operation performed on the patient, cancerous cells are removed or cleaned.
Intravesical Chemotherapy: It is the application of chemotherapy to the bladder. It is preferred if the disease recurs or is in an advanced stage.
Artificial Bladder: The damaged bladder and its appendages are surgically removed and an artificial bladder is made from the small intestine in the same surgery, thus removing the urine from the body.
Systemic Chemotherapy: It is the application of systemic chemotherapy to the patient's entire body.
Immunotherapy: It is a systemic treatment that aims to trigger the immune system.
Radiation Therapy: It is preferred in cases where surgery is not an option.
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